Rebuild vs Redesign | Crisp Comms Co

Redesign vs Rebuild: Which is better for your website?

What To Do When Your Website Needs Refreshing

One of the questions we get asked here at Crisp is, “I need to update my website, should I redesign it or would rebuilding it better for my business?”.

This is a great question to ask before making any decisions, because the answer will affect the time, effort and cost of your website project.

Knockdown vs renovate

I tend to liken a website project to a home renovation project. I tell my clients that it is similar to choosing whether to build a brand new home from scratch, or choosing to renovate the one you’re currently living in.

There are pros and cons to each, and these need to be considered before starting your project.

When you start from scratch and build a brand new website, this is like building a new house on a clear, flat block. You have house plans suited to your needs, you are using brand new materials, you can often get a fixed-price quote because you know pretty much exactly what you’re getting into.

However, when you are updating your existing website, this is like renovating your current house.

Sometimes you rip down a wall, or pull up some carpets, and discover something unexpected, that needs extra time, brain power and money to resolve.

Just like homes, there are so many variables with websites. The quality of your home depends on who built it originally, when it was built, the quality of the materials used, the regulations and technology at that time and whether there have been updates along the way.

Websites are exactly the same. And, quite often, finding the website equivalent of dodgy wiring or asbestos, can throw your website plan completely out of whack and end up costing you more time and money.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should always knock down your website and start afresh, it simply means that you need to consider your needs, your options and then account for a contingency just in case things don’t go to plan.

Deciding factors

If you are trying to decide which option is better for you and your business, you need to consider a few different factors like age of site, current functionality, usability and performance, as well as your budget and timeframe.

At Crisp, when we are scoping out whether a rebuild or redesign is better for your business, we will ask you the following questions:

We will also ask you about any other factors such as security, compliance or legislative requirements that affect your business and industry.

Does your website need refreshing?

If your website isn’t meeting the needs of your business, these factors and questions will help you decide whether a redesign or rebuild will be the best choice for you.

Crisp Communications can update or rebuild your custom website, book in a scoping call today.

If your current website isn’t cutting the mustard, book a call with Crisp Communications today!

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