Email Marketing
& Copywriting

Build and sustain relationships with your clients

Want content that will help you get noticed, engage your audience or sell more?

Despite the countless ways of marketing in the modern age, email is still an incredibly effective way to build trust with your target audience and turn prospects into paying customers or clients.

But there’s a difference between emails that make people hit the delete button, vs emails that people want to read and look forward to receiving. You just need to know the tricks of the trade and thankfully, we’ve worked out what most of them are.

Strategic, considered email content, tailored to your audience, will help you cut through the noise, keep your clients happy and also win you more business. You’ll stand out in the inboxes of your ever-growing email list, while you build a profitable and valuable marketing asset within your business.

Email is just one of the places in your business where the right words matter but we get it… if you’re like most professionals, you probably hate the thought of writing email and other marketing copy, and so you put it in the ‘too-hard basket’. Lucky for you, we love crafting compelling copy (we also love alliteration!).

We’ll help capture the essence of your business and connect with the hearts and minds of your ideal audience with Google-friendly, custom-designed copy. We can help you eliminate your writer’s block and help your business communicate more effectively.

We can help you with:

So, want to work together?

Schedule in a free Zoom call with Abi to discuss your marketing needs.

Read more marketing tips & news

Some of our most popular insights into email marketing, communication and client engagement.

Why do people work with you?​

No one just makes a purchasing decision out of the blue. Something must prompt it to happen at some point. This article helps you discover what triggers a client to work with you, buy your products or services.

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