What is holding you back from podcasting?

When people say to me “oh, I’d love to have a podcast!” 

My response is always, “Well, why don’t you start one?”

And, the look I get back from them is often one of shock or fear.

Source: Giphy


Now, I am not out to scare people, but I am here to help people realise their potential. And sometimes, podcasting is part of that potential.

If you are interested in starting a podcast but feel like something is holding you back, you’re not alone. 

Many potential podcasters struggle with self-doubt and fears that prevent them from taking the first step.

But what is it that’s really holding you back from podcasting?

In this article I am going to highlight some of the common fears and anxieties that are holding people back from podcasting.

Who would want to listen to my podcast?

The fear of not being good enough is a major block for many people starting their podcast. People often think that they have nothing to say, or no value to contribute.

Choosing a topic or niche for your podcast can be a daunting task. But remember, your unique perspective and passion are your strengths. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel; you just need to add your personal touch. Start with what you know and love and you’ll attract an audience that shares your interests.

I am worried my podcast will fail!

Do you fear launching your podcast with a bang, but it ending up as a fizzle? 

The fear of putting in time and effort only to see little to no results can be discouraging. However, success in podcasting often comes with perseverance and patience. Don’t be disheartened if your first episodes don’t receive thousands of downloads. Keep learning, adapting, and growing.

And remember, a podcast will never truly fail if you love making it.

I don’t have enough time to run the podcast!

As a business owner, you are probably time-poor. I get it, I have been there!

But if you can get organised, plan ahead and batch your podcasting tasks, it is achievable. 

Make a plan and create a schedule for your podcast. This will help you stay on track and manage your time effectively.

I am not technically brained!

As a business owner, you are probably time-poor. I get it, I have been there!

But if you can get organised, plan ahead and batch your podcasting tasks, it is achievable. 

Make a plan and create a schedule for your podcast. This will help you stay on track and manage your time effectively.

I don’t know what I am doing!

Perhaps you don’t know how to write an episode, promote it online or find guests. These are common obstacles, but they should not hold you back from launching your own podcast.

The way around this is seeking support. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from other podcasters or friends who are knowledgeable about the industry.

If you don’t know anyone with podcasting know-how, you can join online communities or attend networking events to connect with like-minded individuals.

Or, give us a call – we can help you every step of the way.

Have you ever had these anxieties around starting your own podcast?

You may think your voice isn’t right, your content isn’t engaging enough, or your equipment isn’t professional. Here’s the truth: nobody starts off perfect. The beauty of podcasting is that it’s a journey of growth. Your voice, content, and equipment will improve over time. Just start, and you’ll get better with each episode.

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