Lean into the journey: My career transformation

featuring Ally Murphy

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You never know where your creative journey will take you, but it pays to lean in.

My guest, Ally Murphy, believed her creative career had ended at age 20 after facing numerous acting rejections. Low on confidence and craving change, Ally pivoted to become a flight attendant. Fourteen years later, a chance encounter reignited her passion for the creative arts, leading her to reinvent herself as a voice actor, screen actor, and podcaster.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Ally’s decision at age 11 to pursue acting
  • The 90’s look and the accompanying body criticism
  • The difference between being rejected and not being selected
  • Her career transition to a flight attendant
  • Her initial steps into voice acting
  • How she rebuilt her creative career
  • The nuances of voice acting versus screen acting
  • Her podcast, The Red Eye

Tune in for an inspiring conversation about resilience and rediscovery.

Happy listening!

xo Abi

More About Ally Murphy

The Red Eye
Ally Murphy is a Voiceover artist, Actress, Podcaster and former Flight Attendant who worked in the aviation industry for fourteen years. Working in commercials, corporate film, e-learning, video games and on camera, Ally’s voice can be heard in many places, including on TV, Radio, Podcasts and in a few British superstores…

She is also the host and producer of The Red Eye, a storytelling podcast that came about when she realised that cabin crew have a lifetime of stories from their days of flying around the world. The Red Eye tells stories from the sky, covering everything from life-changing stories of love to unbelievable stories of outrageous passenger behaviour!

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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