Life is a Map

featuring Sonja Bajic

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Maps usually depict places, their physical features, cities, roads, topography…

But, for my guest Sonja Bajic, her maps capture so much more. Her hand drawn maps immortalise your experience, feelings, perspective and memories of a place. And, for Sonja, it’s not just about places; everything can be a map.

Tune into this episode with illustrator, artist and mapmaker Sonja Bajic, to find out:

  • How she got into mapmaking
  • How anything can be turned into a map
  • Why maps help keep memories alive
  • How everyone is creative (and can start to make their own maps)

Happy listening!
xo Abi

More About Sonja Bajic

Sonja Bajic is a mapmaker, designer, and illustrator. She’s always creating something, which makes her an artist as well.

Sonja was born in a country that no longer exists, and this has had a profound impact on her and her identity which is why she started drawing maps, as it allows her to better understand people and the world around her.

For over a decade, Sonja lives and works in Paris, France and drinks a lot of tea.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!