How to Find Your Creativity Again

featuring Kimberly Lahodny

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How can you get back into creativity after a long period without it?

My guest this episode is Kimberly Lahodny, a performance artist and screenwriter, who has lived this experience a number of times. Moving states, motherhood, career changes, all have had an impact on her creativity and she found it a struggle to get back on track.

Now she helps other women find their creativity again through her SPARK movement.

This conversation explores the pressures and joys of creativity and how Kimberly got her SPARK back.

Happy listening!
xo Abi

More About Kimberly Lahodny

from Spark Movement
Kimberly Lahodny is a recognised community-building artist, media professional, mother of four and founder of the SPARK Movement. With an MFA in Screenwriting and BA in Music with a focus on Classical Voice Performance, her passion is helping overworked and underwhelmed women intentionally create lives filled to the brim with creativity.

Using her acclaimed signature SPARK Movement, she teaches women how to reclaim their creative genius and use it to skyrocket their Life ROI.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!