Creativity: Uncovered podcast episode graphic featuring guest Mel Jay

Clean Home, Clean Mind

featuring Mel Jay

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Can decluttering help you become more creative?

My guest this episode, Mel Jay, says not only can it boost your creativity, but it can make you happier and give you more time for family, friends and hobbies.

Mel is a Sydney-based decluttering coach, a podcaster and content creator, who is on a mission to help busy mums regain balance in their life. Mel joined me on Creativity: Uncovered to discuss her relationship with creativity, her journey as a video content creator, the danger of social media metrics, and the unexpected benefits of cleaning and clearing your home.

A big thank you to Mel for sharing your tips on creativity and decluttering!

Happy listening!
xo Abi

More About Mel Jay

Simply Mel
Mel Jay is a content creator who inspires people to declutter their home and their life. In addition to being a wife, mother of two children and employee at a “real job”, Mel is a digital freelancer and creator of the Simply Mel YouTube channel and Simple You podcast.

Mel is on a mission to inspire and motivate you to declutter your way to a more joyful life!

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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