Creativity: Uncovered podcast episode graphic featuring host Abi Gatling

My Grandma’s Buttons

featuring Abi Gatling

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In this episode, I speak about my Grandma’s buttons.

For most people my packet of buttons would just be that: a packet of buttons.

However, for me, this packet means so much more than that. These buttons were given to me by my Grandma over in Ireland, and are a source of inspiration for me, and have recently prompted me to think about the influence she has had on my creativity.

This episode is all about thinking about, acknowledging and recognising those who have positively influenced us, and consider how we may then pass it forward to the next generation.

Happy listening!
xo Abi

P.S. Trigger warning: I do shed a little tear at the end of this recording, because of my wonderful Grandma Mary “Maureen” Egan – Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam.

More About Abi Gatling

from Crisp Communications
Abi Gatling is the Founder of Crisp Communications, a marketing agency that helps professional services businesses boost their business profile, connect with new customers and look good while doing it.

Abi is passionate about creativity and shamelessly uses her podcast, Creativity: Uncovered, as a limitless source of fresh new inspiration, ideas and energy.

Abi is also a keen public speaker, marketing educator and dog lover.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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