Should podcasting be part of your marketing strategy?

The other day, someone asked me: “Should I have a podcast as part of my marketing strategy?” 

My answer? 

YES — you should totally have podcasting in your marketing mix. 

But NO — you don’t necessarily need to host your own podcast.

Scratching your head at my answer? Let me explain…

Why Having Your Own Podcast is a Great Idea

Hosting your own podcast is pretty great (I know from personal experience). 

You get to be in the driver’s seat, steering the conversation and crafting loads of content that points straight back to you and your website.

Plus, it’s a great way to build your brand voice, share your story, and create meaningful connections.

BUT (and there’s always a “but,” right?), it’s not all smooth sailing. There’s the admin, the time commitment, and the sheer effort of running a show—from planning and recording to editing and promoting. It’s a bit of a hustle.

If that sounds like a headache, don’t worry! We can help you with all of that here at Crisp (we’ve got your back!). 

But, if you’re not quite ready for the full podcasting experience, you can still ride the podcast wave without hosting your own show.

The Perks of Guesting on Other People’s Podcasts

Yep, you read that right.

You don’t need to run the whole podcasting shebang yourself to see some fab results. Being a guest on someone else’s podcast is like showing up to a party where someone else has done all the hard work, all you have to do is enjoy it!

Here’s why guesting is a win:

Built-In Promotion

When you guest on someone else’s podcast, they’ll shout it from the rooftops (or, at least, across their social media). 

It’s not just you promoting — you’re borrowing THEIR audience and platform to boost YOUR visibility. Easy peasy.

Boosted Visibility

Every time you guest on a podcast, it’s like dropping little breadcrumbs all over the internet.

That episode you’re on will be shared on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, probably get its own webpage, and maybe even make an appearance on YouTube.

So, next time someone Googles you, guess what? There’s a whole new batch of content making you way easier to find. Wahoo!

Instant Connection

Podcasts are personal. 

People get to hear your voice, your jokes, your personality. If someone’s looking for a financial adviser and stumbles on an episode featuring you, they’re already getting a sense of who you are. 

By the time they reach out, they feel like they’ve known you forever—which makes that first chat much less awkward. 

(And who doesn’t want less awkwardness in their life?)

Flex Your Expertise

Let’s be real, we all love a good humblebrag. Being on podcasts is the perfect chance to show off what you know and position yourself as a bit of a guru. Got a hot take? Share it. Industry trend on your radar? Spill the tea. When people hear you talking about the latest and greatest in your field, they’ll see you as a pro who’s ahead of the curve.

Podcasting is a No-Brainer for Your Marketing

Whether you’re hosting your own show or just hopping on as a guest, podcasting is an absolute powerhouse for building your brand. 

It’s fun, it’s effective, and it’s a great way to let people see the real you while boosting your visibility.

So, if you’re ready to dive into podcasting as part of your marketing strategy (or if you’re just curious), get in touch — I’m here to help make it happen!

xo Abi

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