Podcast Terms Glossary

Every podcast-related word you need to know

Podcasting can be a very technical endeavour. So can marketing your podcast. And combine the two, then there is bound to be a TONNE of jargon and industry-specific terminology that comes along with it. That’s why we’ve created this Podcast Terms Glossary.

In this podcast glossary, we break down some of the common terms you may hear when creating, managing and marketing your podcast.

Heads up: we do mention a few brands in this list. If we recommend any specifically, it may be because we think they are the best we’ve come across (so far) and we do work with a handful of brands as affiliates (because we love them).

Glossary of podcast terms


Also known as a soundbite. This is a short section of audio taken from your podcast recording, and formatted (usually with a graphic and an animated Wavform) for use in the promotion of your podcast. When selecting audio for an audiogram, we look for interesting or intriguing soundbites that will entice the audience to tune into the full episode.


This is a site that acts as a library of podcasts, also known as a Streaming Platform. Directories are things like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts Stitcher, Amazon Music and more. Basically these help share your podcast, but they don’t actually hold the physical files.

Distribution platform

AKA a Podcast Host. This is where you physically store your finalised podcast episodes. Your distribution platform then pushes your episodes out to directories and streaming platforms. We use Libsyn as our distribution platform of choice as it is well-priced and the tech support is tip top. Crisp Tip: Use our Libsyn signup form and get 2 months free hosting [click here].

ID3 tag

ID3 tags are the metadata in your MP3 file. This can include info about the file such as title, author name, and description. When listeners download a podcast episode to listen to offline, media players show them the information in the ID3 tags


Usually a podcast intro is a standardised spiel that the host says at the beginning of the podcast. This can be pre-recorded and added into the episode in post-production or can be said at the time of the recording. An intro is usually accompanied by the podcast theme music.


(Although we prefer to call it podcast theme music). This is some music chosen to supplement the podcast, and is usually used in the intro, outro and promotions of the podcast. We help craft (or select) music that matches and enhances the theme of the podcast.


This refers to the loudness of your podcast. We manage the levels so that you and your guest sound as even as possible. Levels can be affected by the equipment used, recording location, strength of voice and how far away the person is sitting from their microphone.

Local recording

This is when you record your podcast locally onto your computer, rather than storing the recording in an internet-based location. This can be useful to avoid disruption caused by poor internet connection. This option is available on most podcast recording software.


A type of audio file that contains ID3 tags. It is often used to distribute your podcast because it is quite a small file type.


A device that connects to your microphone, and is placed between your mouth and the mic to help reduce plosives. It helps improve the sound of your audio by blocking popping of sounds like P’s and B’s.

Online recording

This is when you record your podcast and it saves directly to an internet-based or cloud location. This can save space on your computer, but does put you at the peril of internet connectivity issues.

RSS feed

An RSS feed is a URL that your host / distribution platform will provide you. We use this link to help verify your podcast on the various directories and to sync it up with platforms such as your website.


Also known as a sound or video bite. This is a short section of video or audio taken from your podcast recording, and formatted for use in the promotion of your episode.

Streaming platform

AKA a Directory. This is basically any app or platform that you use to listen to a podcast. The most popular streaming platforms are Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio and Amazon Music. We also like to add podcasts to Google Podcasts because it is great to boost the searchability of your pod.

Teaser / trailer

This is a short episode of your podcast that acts as a summary of the podcast. It’s basically a little taster of what to expect should a listener tune into a full episode. We like to include a little about the host, what the podcast is about, who it is for and what listeners will take away from listening to it. Oh, and we like to have your snazzy podcast theme tune on there too.


This is another type of audio file. This is similar to the MP3, however the quality is much higher. Usually you edit in this format and then convert to MP3 for distribution.


A waveform is an animated graphic that represents the shape and form of the audio from your podcast. Basically it’s a cool, wiggly line that adds visual interest when added to an audiogram.

Whew! Ok, we know that was a LOT. But we did warn you… podcasting and marketing can be technical!

And that is why so many great podcasters choose to outsource the production, management and marketing of their podcast.

So, if you are overwhelmed by this list and want to take the boring, time-consuming administration of your podcast off your to-do list, let’s chat! Use the button below to book a podcast discovery call with Abi today!

Want to focus on actually making your podcast and leave the boring stuff to us?

Book in a call today!

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