Creativity: Uncovered podcast episode graphic featuring guest Tony Zerafa

Teacher Turned Writer

featuring Tony Zerafa

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My guest this week has really put his words into action (pardon the pun!).

Tony Zerafa is a high school English teacher, who recently reconnected with his love of writing. Once he launched his fiction blog, nothing has held him back… he now writes short stories weekly and has launched his own flash fiction podcast.

In this episode, we find out that Tony’s writing has not only gained him classroom cred, but it also has had some other surprising benefits.

Happy listening!

xo Abi

More About Tony Zerafa

Tony Zerafa is an English teacher of more than two decades, a lifelong learner and lover of books of all kinds, he always had a deep affinity with language and the power of stories. An aspiring flash fiction and short story writer, Tony deeply interested in the human experience and the power of stories to shape people’s lives.

The beauty of the natural world, imagery and his desire to immerse himself in the world of his characters provides inspiration for his work. He have been published by some of his local writing groups and aspire to ultimately produce a novella. Flash fiction appeals to him as a writer, as he enjoy the challenge of capturing imaginations through short prose.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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