Creativity: Uncovered podcast episode graphic featuring guest Sasha Eburne

Creativity as a Business Owner

featuring Sasha Eburne

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Having a small business really gives you a great opportunity to flex your creative muscles. After all, when the team is small, you have to wear many hats to get things done.

In this episode, I discuss the creativity that comes with being a small business owner, with the lovely Sasha Eburne.

A search for creativity (and a little thing called ‘Rona), prompted Sasha to take the leap and start her own Virtual Assistant business. Now she has grown her business, and coaches others to do the same.

Happy listening!

xo Abi

More About Sasha Eburne

Sasha Eburne Virtual Assistant Coach
Sasha is a bad ass, no nonsense VA coach. She’s based on the Gold Coast Australia and works with clients all over the world.

Earlier on, she hit a roadblock in her professional life and struggled to move past it. It was only after she began to adopt the techniques her coach showed her, that she began to see the benefits. And now after enjoying 20 years of business management in the corporate world, followed by managing her own successful virtual assistant business she wants to utilise her experience and expertise to provide a service to those starting out in the field or wanting to upscale. And with that she shares her proven method and strategies to help VAs take their business to the next level.

Her goal is to share her VA way exclusive techniques with others to help them also create a flexible and fulfilling career. And she coaches her clients in a way that utilises both their heads and their hearts.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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