Breathing Through Creative Blocks

featuring Adam Stanecki

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Do you ever think about your breathing?

My guest, Adam Stanecki, sure does.

Adam is a trained breathwork practitioner who joined me on Creativity: Uncovered to talk about functional breathing and its impact on your physical state, stress, and creativity.

He shares how becoming more aware of your breathing, and taking steps to actively control it, can help you get into a creative state and break through creative blocks.

A big thank you to Adam for sharing your insights on breathwork and creative practice.

Happy listening!

xo Abi

More About Adam Stanecki

from The Oxygen Advantage
Adam is a Certified Buteyko Method Instructor, an Advanced Instructor of The Oxygen Advantage, and also a trained breathwork practitioner and psychotherapist. As a child, Adam struggled with severe asthma, which he managed with his own breath practice. He has been interested in the breath ever since.

Adam teaches functional breathing for health and performance, and uses breathwork for therapeutic and deep inner work.

He lives near Noosa with his wife, two children, and two dogs.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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