Why Creativity Has Been Squashed Out Of You

featuring Abigail Gatling

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I don’t believe there is such a thing as the wrong way to be creative.

Creativity, for me, is about the process. It is about exploration, the journey, not the end result.

In this episode, I explore why, as adults, our creativity has been squashed out of us and I share a reframe so that you can start to reclaim your creativity.

This is a solo episode with just little old me and my musings.

Happy listening!
xo Abi

P.S. There is a miniscule language warning for this episode (seriously, like, one teeny-tiny-not-even-bad swear at the end).

More About Abigail Gatling

from Crisp Communications Co
Abi Gatling is the Founder of Crisp Communications Co, a marketing agency that helps professional services businesses boost their business profile, connect with new customers and look good while doing it.

Abi is passionate about creativity and shamelessly uses her podcast, Creativity: Uncovered, as a limitless source of fresh new inspiration, ideas and energy.

Abi is also a keen public speaker, marketing educator and dog lover.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!