Creativity: Uncovered podcast episode graphic featuring guest Dr Marion Piper

Creativity Is How We Connect The Dots

featuring Dr Marion Piper

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Dr Marion Piper joins me on Creativity: Uncovered to unpack what creativity means to her and
~ spoiler alert ~ it is not just about creative practice. For Marion, it is a way of thinking, an exploration and a way of “connecting the dots”.

This explains why her Ph.D is all about using creativity for post-traumatic growth.

In this episode we discuss the relationship between trauma, mental health and creativity, and how creativity is not just good for you, it can actually be healing too.

Happy listening!
xo Abi

P.S. There is a small language warning for this episode.

More About Dr Marion Piper

Marion Piper Creative
Dr Marion Piper believes that life’s challenges and traumas are actually an invitation to get creative, a way to turn our pain into Art and kick-start the process post-traumatic growth. This is what fuelled her PhD research and informs the work she does today as a copywriter and creativity coach, inspiring ambitious Creatives to find their voice and embrace creativity as a form of self-care.

With a colourful career spanning gigs in art galleries, creative summer camps and creative agencies both here and abroad, Marion is here to share her answer to a question many of us ask: “what does it mean to lead a truly creative life?”

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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