If Goldilocks Were an Abstract Artist

featuring Carol MacConnell

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Carol MacConnell‘s artistic journey is reminiscent of the old Goldilocks’ tale. As a professional artist, Carol experimented with various styles before discovering the one that resonated perfectly with her. Now thriving as a large-scale abstract artist, Carol reveals how following her heart led her to the ideal medium.

In this episode of Creativity: Uncovered, we delve into:

  • Carol’s evolution from realism to abstraction, exploring many styles along the way
  • The process of finding your unique artistic style
  • Her passion for abstract art
  • The reasons behind her focus on large-scale painting
  • The importance of using themes to guide your art
  • Strategies for overcoming artistic blocks

The resources Carol refers to in this episode are:

Tune in for an inspiring conversation about the pursuit of artistic fulfilment and creative expression.

Happy listening!
xo Abi

More About Carol MacConnell

Carol MacConnell is a contemporary artist who creates large-scale, abstract paintings. Her work has evolved from realism to impressionism, and finally to abstraction.

Her paintings are in homes and corporate collections worldwide. Her work has been exhibited in international shows, the most recent, being a six-woman show at the Mansfield Art Center, Mansfield, Ohio, USA

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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