A near-death experience helped me reclaim my creativity

featuring Willow

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A near-death experience completely transformed Willow’s relationship with creativity. It gave her permission to lean into her inner artist, started her on a journey to explore her musicality and led her to spend one month in seclusion in the woods.

Tune in to hear about:

  • Play and creativity as a child
  • Her near-death experience and creative reawakening
  • Leaning into her musicality
  • How she first discover sound healing
  • How she uses sound baths for healing
  • How Willow help’s people reclaim their inner artist
  • Why she is spending a month alone
  • Recording her first album

Happy listening!

xo Abi

More About Willow

from Sound Grove
Willow is an immersive sound experience producer, and a dedicated sound healing practitioner passionate about helping creatives to reclaim their inner artist. Willow’s profound love for music and psychology sparked a transformative 10-year journey, guiding her across the globe to unravel the intricacies of the human psyche, healing modalities and the potent power of art and self-expression.

After a near-death experience she stepped into the artist she always wanted to be. Today she helps creatives unlock their potential with 3 critical steps and accompany people in awakening their inner artist and reclaiming their true expression.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!

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