Art Therapy Is Not Just About Art

featuring Lisa Cooke

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Ever thought holistic art therapy was just about making art? It’s actually so much more. In this episode of Creativity: Uncovered, holistic art therapist Lisa Cooke joins us to explore how art therapy goes beyond the art itself, tapping into creative expression to support healing, manage anxiety, and rediscover joy. 

Tune in as Lisa shares insights on how this unique approach is accessible to everyone, offering tools for dealing with stress and enhancing emotional well-being.

Listen to this episode to hear about:

  • What is holistic art therapy?
  • How Lisa discovered art therapy
  • How Lisa rediscovered her creativity
  • Art therapy for stress and anxiety
  • Art therapy for finding joy and balance in your life
  • How art therapy can help answer life’s ‘big questions’ 

Happy listening!

xo Abi

More About Lisa Cooke

from Holistic Art Therapist
Lisa is a Holistic Art Therapist on the Gold Coast who runs regular workshops and 1:1 art therapy sessions helping people connect back to their creativity and use it as a tool for their overall wellbeing. Lisa believes how you do art is how you do life and by connecting with our creativity we can learn so much about ourselves, we just need to make time for it.

It was only a few short years ago that Lisa herself thought that she wasn’t creative and it wasn’t until she started to re-remember where this belief came from that she was able to heal this part of herself and allow her creativity to be unleashed.

Lisa is passionate about helping people get out of their busy minds and into their hearts when they create. This involves helping people let go of perfection, comparison and judgement which are the biggest killers to our creative expression.

Creativity: Uncovered® is a registered Trademark of Crisp Communications. Thank you for tuning in!