What Does Your Ideal Client Really Think?

Why stepping into their shoes could be the key to better marketing

You may not know this, but I come from a massive family. I’m one of eight kids (yep, that’s right, EIGHT!). 

Growing up with that many siblings was fun, albeit annoying at times (I’m looking at you, James!).

But because of that army of people, I feel like we learned to operate with an eye on the docket so to speak. I think there is a lot to be said about living resourcefully and within your means.

We would never order take-away to save money, always pass down clothes to be frugal, and if something needed fixing you would give it a crack yourself

That was our way of life, and honestly, it worked for us!

When I got married, I realised my husband’s family were the complete opposites. 

Their philosophy was, “If you have the means, outsource whatever doesn’t bring you joy or isn’t your strong suit, to lighten your load.”

At first, I thought, Huh? 

Why pay someone to do something you could do yourself? 

But over time, and my situation has changed, I get where they’re coming from. Now, I’ve happily adopted their mindset and it’s a game-changer.

But here’s where it gets interesting: this shift in perspective didn’t just change how I live my life. It also transformed how I understand my clients and their needs.

Tap into their worldview

Most of my clients are financial planning businesses with small teams – maybe one, two, or three people. They’re high performers with endless to-do lists, and the last thing they want to add to their plate is marketing. 


Because it’s:

  • Not their area of expertise
  • Time-consuming
  • Something an expert can do faster, better, and with less stress

Once I understood this worldview, everything clicked. Their mindset isn’t about saving a few dollars; just like my husband’s family, it’s about making their lives easier and focusing on what really matters to them.

What About Your Clients?

With that in mind, it’s time to think about your ideal clients. What do you think their mind set is?

Are they all about saving money? Or maybe they value efficiency? Or maybe they just want to lighten their mental load?

The sooner you figure this out, the sooner you can tailor your marketing messaging to show them how you solve their specific problems.

Now, my challenge to you today is to take a step back and put yourself in their shoes. I want you to ask yourself:

  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What’s their ultimate goal?
  • How can I make their life easier, faster, or more enjoyable?

When you can speak directly to their worldview, you’ll resonate on a whole new level and that’s when the magic happens.

If you want to get to know your ideal client better, book in a free Marketing Kickstarter call today!

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